We had our graduation exercises today. A gentle push into the world for all of you. I hope you're leaving with the keys to your future in your hand.
I'm so glad we've had this time together,
Just to have a laugh or learn some math,
Seems we've just got started and before you know it,
Comes the time we have to say, "So Long!"
So long everybody!
Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu, and all those good bye things. ;-)
Answer Tips
Create Math Images
- Alvina (6)
- am40sw09 (8)
- Amanda (4)
- Camilla (5)
- Carmel (3)
- Chelsea (6)
- Class Survey (1)
- Compound Interest (2)
- Copyright (1)
- Daniel (5)
- David-san (1)
- Design and Measurement (2)
- Developing Expert Voices (16)
- Digital Ethics (1)
- Don (6)
- Dr. Eviatar (4)
- Eugene (5)
- First Post (1)
- Glenn (5)
- Henson (4)
- Homework (6)
- Iris (5)
- Jason (6)
- K_Hannah (5)
- Kathrine (2)
- Kayla (5)
- Kyle (6)
- Lamael (4)
- MAC (4)
- Matrices (22)
- Model Problems (2)
- Mr. Kuropatwa (69)
- Niwatori-san (4)
- Periodic Functions (6)
- Personal Finance (16)
- Pi Day (1)
- Post (1)
- Probability (33)
- Reflection (17)
- Scribe Post (57)
- Sequences (7)
- Sine Function (1)
- Slides (67)
- Sribe Post (1)
- Statistics (35)
- Statistics Reflection (1)
- Time Line (13)
- Vector (1)
- Vectors (15)
Blog Archive
- so in class today we went over some of last nights...
- Today's Slides: May 28
- May 26th's and Today's Notes
- Today's Slides: May 27
- Today's Slides: May 26
- Transformation of the Sine function
- Today's Slides: May 25
- My Project Thing
- Today's Slides: May 22
- Today's Slides: May 21
- Developing Expert Voices
- Developing Expert Voices
- STUDY.STUDY.STUDY.Hey guys we have a test tomorrow...
- Today's Slides: May 19
- Developing MY Voice.
- Personal Finance... YEA!
- Developing Expert Voices
- So two questions I want to model over are vectors ...
- Thursday's Notes, DEV Project Tip
- Developing Expert Voices
- Developing Expert Voices
- Developing Expert Voices
- Developing Expert voices
- Developing Expert Voices
- Developing expert voices
- Dev. Project
- Developing Expert Voices: Respect Copyright & Reso...
- Today's Slides: May 14
- IT'S a LATE scribe POST
Friday, June 26, 2009
So Long ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
8:59 AM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Class Survey
The exam is over and we did a little survey in class. The results are below; 17 students participated. If you'd like to add another comment on what you see here email me or leave a comment below this post.
Without any further ado, here are the results of our class's survey. Please share your thoughts by commenting (anonymously if you wish) below .....
Classroom Environment
The questions in this section were ranked using this 5 point scale:
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
The bold numbers after each item are the average ratings given by the entire class.
1. The teacher was enthusiastic about teaching the course. 4.59
2. The teacher made students feel welcome in seeking help in/outside of class. 4.35
3. My interest in math has increased because of this course. 3.35
4. Students were encouraged to ask questions and were given meaningful answers. 4.29
5. The teacher enhanced the class through the use of humour. 4.24
6. Course materials were well understood and explained clearly by the teacher. 4.18
7. Graded materials fairly represented student understanding and effort. 4.12
8. The teacher showed a genuine interest in individual students. 4.12
9. I have learned something that I consider valuable. 4.47
10. The teacher normally came to class well prepared. 4.65
Overall Impression of the Course
The questions in this section were ranked using this 5 point scale:
Very Poor | Poor | Average | Good | Very Good |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1. Compared with other high school courses I have taken, I would say this course was: 4.06
2. Compared with other high school teachers I have had, I would say this teacher is: 4.12
3. As an overall rating, I would say this teacher is: 4.35
Course Characteristics
1. Course difficulty, compared to other high school courses:
Very Easy 0% | Easy 5.9% | Average 35.9% | Difficult 52.9% | Very Difficult 5.9% |
2. Course workload, compared to other high school courses:
Very Easy 0% | Easy 17.6% | Average 58.8% | Difficult 11.8% | Very Difficult 11.8% |
3. Hours per week required outside of class:
0 to 2 29.4% | 2 to 3 35.3% | 3 to 5 17.6% | 5 to 7 17.6% | over 7 0% |
4. Expected grade in the course:
F 0% | D 11.8% | C 52.9% | B 29.4% | A 5.9% |
Specific Feedback
[Ed. Note: Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of students that gave the same answer.]
What was your best learning experience in this course?
Learning many things on my calculator Developing Expert Voices Project Group Work (5) Class Discussions Sharing Ideas Made learning easier and fun Solo in-class work SMARTboard Technology Pre-Tests I could listen better Personal Finance Unit (3) Probability Unit (2) Helping each other Being able to sit not taking notes because they would be online Able to learn from students as well as teacher as if it were feedback on my mistakes Being encouraged to contribute to the learning environment |
What was your worst learning experience in this course?
Blogging (3) None (2) Blog was sometimes unsteady because notes needed to be written when scribe didn't post Not having Mr. K. in class Probability Unit (2) When I didn't get anything Vectors Unit (4) Statistics Unit (2) Sequences Unit Periodic Functions Unit (2) When one student wasted time arguing Using technology in assignments Being expected to work hard, few teachers care — I appreciated this "negative" experience |
What changes would you suggest to improve the way this course is taught?
Have more students at front showing work to get more ideas and feedback from peers I think this course was taught great and really enjoyed the online work A little more explanation in every topic Less online homework I suppose maybe look at how you can help individuals do better. Most do better in groups or by talking. I can't learn like that so this class sucked for me. Nothing really, I thought this course was great and fun; thanks for teaching us. Any suggestions I have would only make the course pander to laziness. Watch if the scribe was done on time. State that reflection posts and delcious links are both done, not one or the other, more clearly. Try to teach slower, sometimes you go through lessons way too fast for me to understand. This has been the only math class I've done well and felt confident in both at the same time. Thanks Mr. K! |
It's interesting to compare the items that were considered both the worst and best learning experiences. Also, take a look at the list of worst learning experiences compared to suggestions for next year. Help me do a better job next year by commenting on what you see here ....
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
1:31 PM
Labels: Class Survey, Mr. Kuropatwa
Friday, June 5, 2009
Today's Slides: June 5
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
3:30 PM
Labels: Design and Measurement, Mr. Kuropatwa, Slides
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My D.E.V. Project
The first option will give him more by $882.86 (16269.09883-15386.23955)
The numbers in "N", "I%" and "PV" come directly from the information in the question.
"P/Y and C/Y" are 1 because the money is compounded yearly and not semi annually or quarterly. Semi annually is compounded twice a year. Quarterly is compounded four times a year.
George's final amount will be $19300.50 in scenario one.
George's final amount will be $20407.96 in scenario two.
Question #2
When you walk home from the big bridge there is a pizza place and a chicken place. Calculate the total amount of ways home. The P(passing the pizza place), P(passing pizza and chicken place).
There are 336 ways home
The P(passing pizza place) is 38.7%(130/336)
The P(passing pizza & chicken place) is 32.7% (110/336)
Click here to see WHY? & HOW?
Posted by
5:53 PM
Labels: Developing Expert Voices, Eugene
Today's Slides: June 4
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
1:27 PM
Labels: Design and Measurement, Mr. Kuropatwa, Slides
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Niwatori-san's Corner (Sequences)
Anyong-hi jumuseyo
!!!!For Ya Imfomation. . . . . . !!!!!!
Blue anecdotes sorta inportant
Red anecdotes Stuff to check/IMPORTANT STUFF take it however you will
Green is for formulas/any calculator stuff!
Remember that your projects are due the midnight of Sunday. So make sure to get it in quite
Well Getting back to the topic of Sequences the main topic tonite is FRACTALS!
You remember the "Trippy" show of the fractal of the island
(ok i don't remember the name of the island
off my head) yes well like in class how it was discussed that the fractal can be
divided into similar shapes
by dividing the whole shape into subsequent pieces equal to one another.
**** When looking at a fractal such things can follow through your head like:
* Will this fractal diverge/converge? (grow/come to one point)
* What's the area of the shaded areas? (If asked this question)
* What's the implicit and recursive definitions of this fractal
(the "exponential equation" and the
"general definition" through means of finding a common ratio between the
2nd and the 1st numbers in a geometric sequence)
And so forth.... (im sure there are more but for now this is all i can
manage to pull out of my hat
sorry I couldn't pull a bunny rabbit but better luck next time =p)
All is done through a number of series of "careful" observation and analysis of
the fractal finding the pattern to the piece. Or more rather the point of it all.
Well right now you can see that the slides haven't been posted yet so
don't be blaming Mr.Kuros if it didn't sink in to your minds to what
was done in class. And sorry if I sounded rude but it's how blunt i need
to be for the understanding of the course.
All in all my good mates around the world watching us and to my fellow
bloggettes/student peers "Math is the Science of Patterns" - Mr . Kuros
Follow looking for similar paths along your way in life and in the progression
of your studies/classes. The more patterns you have the more easier it is for
you to solve the mysteries of your own "CASE"
And Im yet again sorry folks but I totally forgot to inform about the solving
of the "Shaded Areas" I was sorta stuck between the path to finding
the shaded area and it's a little sketchy about the details but Im sure Ill
get it right away and clear this passage just for your info *pinky promise*
Anywho this ends the night until another day and another time.
Niwatori-san signing off -__-
*throws pokeball misses and then walks away* (utter defeat)
quote from Niwatori-san -
"The sun is the open pinnacle to enlightenment by revealing the shadows
of your talents"
Posted by
9:56 PM
Today's Slides: June 3
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
8:20 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Sequences, Slides
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What is a fractal? Generally "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,"
An example of a fractal can be like this…
The blue would be your first box. Then you would make the purple ones which are a reduced size of the first. Then you'd make the green boxes which would be a reduced size of the purple. This can almost go on for infinity, however the size will eventually get to small to be significant or too small to see. We would eventually have to stop because of that factor.
The next scribe is Carmel

Posted by
8:14 PM
Labels: Amanda, Scribe Post, Sequences
Today's Slides: June 2
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
4:03 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Sequences, Slides
Monday, June 1, 2009
Today's Slides: June 1
Here you go ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
4:36 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Sequences, Slides
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Posted by
10:25 PM
Labels: Don, Periodic Functions, Scribe Post
Today's Slides: May 28
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
11:16 AM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Sequences, Slides
May 26th's and Today's Notes
As of the notes of Periodic Functions on May 26, we have learned and relearned of clarifying the amplitude, the period, and the phase shift.
To identify the amplitude, simply clarify the difference between the sinusodial axis and the maximum or mininum.
A period is determined through of the fraction 2(pi)/b. The parameter itself can be identified by switching 'b' with the period shown.
Parameter C is the phase shift. The phase shift moves the graph either left or right on the sinusodial axis, it is normally subtracted from x. The phase shift is identified as either a whole number or pi/c if the starting point value is less than a whole number.
We were also taught of the cosine function. But it bears a very close resemblence to the Sine function, so we'll only be learning of the Sine function this year. The difference from the Sine function is that it's starting point is pi/2 units apart.
For today's notes, we learn of Sequences, a list of numbers that follow a certain pattern. We learn of two types of Sequences, Recursive and Implicit. A recursive sequence, is a list of numbers generated by continuously adding the difference to the first term. Such an equation would be y= 3 ( n - 1 ) + 4, the 3 would be identified as the difference. Take note that n would be rank. An implicit sequence is basically a list of numbers generated by a linear equation. More or less y = 3 n + 1. The difference in an linear equation would be the slope.
With that said, this scribe will now bid you adieu. As he is sleep deprived, the next scribe will be Don. Please, the person that is to take care of the scribe list, please update it regularly. This is also for anyone next year as well. If, the scribe list is used again.
Posted by
3:03 AM
Labels: Glenn, Periodic Functions, Scribe Post, Sequences
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Today's Slides: May 27
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
2:56 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Sequences, Slides
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Today's Slides: May 26
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
10:40 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Periodic Functions, Slides
Monday, May 25, 2009
Transformation of the Sine function
Today in class, we learned what each parameter in the sine function does.
This is what a sine function formula looks like:
but.. what does the formula mean?
Let's start with Parameter D:
- a (+) value shifts the graph upwards by
x number of units
- a (-) value shifts the graph downwards
so..if D = 2, the graph shifts up 2 units
if D = -2, it shifts down 2 units

Parameter A:

Parameter A controls the amplitude of
the graph
* The amplitude gets higher when the value of
gets bigger. A negative value will flip the wave
upside down, but the height of the wave does
not change.

-the black wave is what a basic
function looks like
- the blue wave represents the function with
a negative A value (A=-2)
-the red wave represents the function with a
positive A value (A= 2)
Parameter B:

Parameter controls the width of the
graph. It also multiplies the copy of
the wave.
normal sine function : period = 2Ï€
so...B= 2 is the same as 2π/2 or π
* the value of B becomes divides the
normal sine function.
Example :

- black wave : sin(X)
- red wave : sin (2X)
Parameter C:

Parameter C shifts the graph
left and right
- a (+) value shifts the graph
to the left by x number of
- a (-) value shifts the graph
to the right.

- black wave - represents the basic
sine function
- red wave - represents a positive C
value ( C=2)
- blue wave - represents a negative C
value (C= -2)
That's it for today's blog. I hope it helped you guys understand the today's topic.
The next blogger will be... Roe.
Posted by
11:52 PM
Labels: Lamael, Scribe Post, Sine Function
Today's Slides: May 25
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
2:36 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Periodic Functions, Slides
Sunday, May 24, 2009
My Project Thing
for one of the questions (since my computer wont let me view past posts/videos, i am just remembering back to a question i remembered from matrices about trips between cities.
I will figure out the details once i get with my partner.
My second question is from the unit of probability.
On the board game you can move pieces diagonally forward.
a) determine the number of different pathways from the game piece to each of the squares on the other side of the board.
b)assume the player is equally likely to go left or right. what is the probability it will land on each destination.
My timeline is the same is chelsias
Posted by
10:09 PM
Labels: Developing Expert Voices, K_Hannah, Time Line
Friday, May 22, 2009
Today's Slides: May 22
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
4:07 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Periodic Functions, Slides
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Today's Slides: May 21
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
3:47 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Periodic Functions, Slides
Developing Expert Voices
a.) Statistic Problem
For boys, the average number of absences in the first grade is 15 with a standard deviation of 7; for girls, the average number of absences is 10 with a standard deviation of 6.
In a nationwide survey, suppose 100 boys and 50 girls are sampled. What is the probability that the male sample will have at most three more days of absences than the female sample?
Draw scale diagrams of the following vectors using pencil, ruler, protractor, and paper. Label the diagram. Be sure to indicate the scale you used.
(1.) Tiffany walks 13 blocks in a direction East 13 degrees South.
(2.) A boat is headed 300 degrees at 45 km/h.
Time line
May 22 - rough draft questions
May 25 - consult with partner(s)
May 29 - rough copy
June 03 - completion of the project
June 04 to 05 - hand in the project
Posted by
8:47 AM
Labels: Developing Expert Voices, Jason, Time Line
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Developing Expert Voices
Question 1 : Personal Finance
Debt. Equity Ratio = Total Liabilities - Mortgage / Networth
Lebron is married with two childen. He wants to borrow money to make a major purchase.
His financial advisor prepares a net worth statement for his family with the following.
Lebron and his family live in an $80,000 home on which there is an outstanding mortgage of $52,000.00. He owns a car valued at $20,000.00 and owes 12,000.00 on a 2-year loan he took to buy the car. He has $5000 and a short term personal loan for $2500.00. The family has $1500.00 in a chequing account and another $3000.00 in a savings account. He owns a boat worth $5000.00
Question 2 :
May 24: Rough Copy for Questions & Solve Questions
May 25: Create visuals for project
May 26 - 31: Put together all visuals on computer
June 1 - 6: Complete Project
June 7: Hand in Project
Posted by
12:31 AM
Labels: Developing Expert Voices, MAC, Model Problems, Time Line
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Today we learned that that net worth = assets-liabilities.
Assets is money you have or things of value that you own. There are three kinds of assets:
Liquid Assets: Money you can access easily (cash amounts)
Semi-Liquid Assets: Longer term investments (stocks, mutual funds, or some real estate)
Non-Liquid Assets: Material goods (cars, houses) you have to sell it to make money.
Liabilities is amounts of money that you owe. There are two kinds:
Short Term Debts: Must be paid in the next twelve months.
Long Term Debt: Payments that will take more than a year (mortage).
We also learned today that the Debt/Equity Ratio = (Total Liabilities - Mortage) / Net Worth
You want the outcome of the Debt/Equity Ratio to never be bigger than .5 or 50%. If it is even half a percent higher you will have a hard time finding a bank if you can that will give you a loan. But not is all lost, if it is larger than 50% you may try to get a lower loan, find the money in some bond or somewhere else, take a smaller loan then get another after, or even pay off another debtin order to get that percent 50 or lower.
There a few really good examples of this in the slides Mr.K has put up, so if you feel you need more feel free to also look there.
Wish everyone luck on tomorrows test :) and the next scribe is...Lamael
Posted by
8:12 PM
Labels: Amanda, Personal Finance, Scribe Post
Today's Slides: May 19
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
12:34 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Personal Finance, Slides
Developing MY Voice.
That's problem one. Problem two will be based on a suggestion Mr. K made about the probability of being drafted. I don't think we ever actually did a question of it though...
By May 25th I will have completed my questions. By June 3rd, I will have filmed portions to be embedded in a prezi presentation. By June 6th, I will have completed my prezi and published it to the blog.
Posted by
10:48 AM
Labels: Daniel, Developing Expert Voices, Time Line
Personal Finance... YEA!
Alright, let's get this started with a concept I was stumbling with for a bit. I could not, for the life of me, understand why the formula for the feasible financial capital percentage one should consider when purchasing a home. For your information, the absolute maximum feasible percentage of one's income that should go towards their home is 32%. Here's a couple things to remember.
It's called the GDSR, and it's composed of a number of things. You've got your Monthly Mortgage Payment, your Monthly Property Tax Payment, your Monthly Heating Bill, and half of your Condo/Strata Fees. Now you lump that all together into one great big chunk and you divide it by your Monthly Income. The number that is generated will be a decimal, in theory. Technically, if you were using this formula on a house WAY out of your range, you'd get a whole number. Or, over 100% of your monthly income would be going to your house.
That's right! The decimal you receive is a percentage! And that is the percentage of your income that is going to your house. You want that to be under 32. The formula looks like this:
Perhaps you are thinking, "That's all well and good, but what if I'm missing a variable, smart-guy!? Maybe I don't know my monthly mortgage payment, JERK!" Well fear not my fine, feathered friend. If you find 32% of your income, and subtract from it what you DO know, your answer will be what remains of your 32% income, or, what you have at your disposal for whatever variables you are missing. For example:
If I have $1000 a month for housing, my feasible income percentage will be $320. Let's say it's a house, BOO-YEA, no condo/strata fees. Heating is %40 a month, property taxes are $60. BEAR WITH ME.... $40+$60 is $100, Therefor... $320 - $100 = $220. I have $220 to spend on housing per month.
The other thing we covered today was the pros and cons of home ownership. For more information contact your local "Personal Finance" tagged slide... uh..(s)... Slides.
Posted by
10:19 AM
Labels: Daniel, Personal Finance, Scribe Post
Developing Expert Voices
Question #1 Personal Finance Unit
Shaiana wishes to invest $2000.00 given by her grandfather. She has an option guaranteed earning investment certificated of 8.5%, compounded quarterly, or a savings bond of 9%, compounded semi annually.
Which investment should she choose?
If each investment is termed 5 years, what will the difference of their values be at the end of the term?
Question #2 Matrices Unit
On the soap opera, the young and the mathematical Ann is in love with Buck and Dash. Dash is in love with Ann, Charlotte and Elvira. Charlotte who just broke up with her fiancé after learning that he was dating the University of Winnipeg women's basketball team, has fallen in love with Frank, not realizing that he is actually her step brother who has returned to Winnipeg with amnesia and major plastic surgery after the tragic explosion of a graphing calculator at a secret CSIS cryptography lab. Frank is in love with Elvira. Buck is in love only with himself. Write a connection matrix detailing the relationships among the six named characters. Include labels and other explanations to make your work clear.
Time Line:
May 23: Rough Copy for Questions & Solve Questions
May 24: Create visuals for project
May 25 - 31: Put together all visuals on computer
June 1 - 6: Complete Project
June 7: Hand in Project
Posted by
10:16 AM
Labels: Developing Expert Voices, Iris, Time Line
The next question I choose is this one
Posted by
10:11 AM
Labels: Developing Expert Voices, Henson, Time Line
Thursday's Notes, DEV Project Tip
For the notes on thursday, May 14, we were reminded of how to calculate our GDSR. Or otherwise, our Gross Debt Service Ratio. Our GDSR will not allow more than 32% of our income to be spent or else you want to spend your time bored and hungry. Your Gross Debt Service is calculated by summing the monthy mortgage payment, the monthly property tax, monthly heating costs, and half of your condo fees if you're living in a condo. The sum of this will be divided by your Gross Monthly Income (this includes people who are living with you, unless they are minors).
The formula will be shown here.
In order to find out how much you can afford each month (the monthly mortgage), multiply your GMI by 32% and subtract the sum of the monthly payments with the product of the GMI and GDSR.
With this, we've found the monthly mortgage for this
Once finding the monthly mortgage, we can find the Maximum Mortgage Payment of an individual or a group of individuals. To calculate this we input this into the TvM Solver, the payment periods are set to monthly while the interest compounding periods are set to semi-annually. Once we find the principle value or PV, we simply add it to the down-payment to get our MMP.
There are additional costs to buying a house though.
1. Appraisal fees
2. Inspection costs
3. Property Survey
4 Insurance costs for high ratio mortgages
5. Home insurance
6. Land transfer tax
7. Interest adjustments
8. Prepaid property taxes and utilies
9. Legal fees
10. Sales tax
11. Moving expenses
12. Services cgarges
13. Immediate repairs
14. Appliances
15. Decorating cost
To find the additional costs, clarify all of the costs and sum them.
A reminder tip for the DEV project.
If you're using slides, do not turn them into power point projects. Always use short, attractive bursts of information with a large amount of images to support said information. Sometimes even an image itself is good enough to bring out what you want to say. Don't be afraid to use a lot of slides.
...the next scribe is Daniel as I didn't see his post. If he isn't there Amanda is next. If she isn't there, Camilla's next.
Posted by
1:12 AM
Labels: Glenn, Personal Finance, Scribe Post
Monday, May 18, 2009
Developing Expert Voices
#1 Matricies
Given these matricies:1. For each operation listed below, state if it is possible to perform the operation or not.
(a) A + C (b) B + C
(c) 2.2A (d) 2A - 3C
(e) AB (f) BC
2. Perform each of the following operations.
(a) C + 2B
(b) 3A
(c) CA
#2 Personal Finance
Camilla wants to drive a small economy car priced at $19 800 before taxes. PST is 7% and GST is 5%. She has $3 500 to use as a down payment for buying. If she buys the car, she will get a 4 year loan at 8.5% to pay for it. What is the total cost of buying the car?
Time Line:
May 23/24 - I will have my first problem done.
May 25-29 - I will work on my next two problems.
May 30/31 - I will have all 4 problems finished and looked over.
June 1 - I will start my reflection.
June 6 - I'll have my presentation published.
Posted by
11:13 PM
Labels: Camilla, Developing Expert Voices, Model Problems, Time Line
Developing Expert Voices
Developing Expert Voices
Question #1Probability test Part IV problem solving
1) A multiple choice test has five questions with four choices for each question. a student guesses at all the answers without reading any questions.
a)What is the probability that she will get all the answers correct?(2 marks)
b)what is the probability she will get exactly three answers correct?(2 marks)
c)what is the probability she will get at least one answer correct? (2marks)
Question #2
Vectors Pre-test question 5
5) an airplane travels at a speed of 250 km/h in a direction 30 degrees north of west for one hour. it then travels at a speed of 300 km/h for 40 min ina direction of 42 degrees east of north. To return directly to its starting point, in what direction and what distance must the airplane travel? show wall work use the back of pag to answer this question remeber draw BIG DIAGRAM
Time Line
May 22
Consult with group (alvina and katie) about what units are project are on and if we ahve a theme to follow. all aroudn get organized.
May 25
meet up in library assign tow questions to a person and help if needed. decide how the project will be put across to the class. Eg: video, slide etc...
May 27
meet up at library or katies house to help eachother wityh any problems...
June 1
put completes questions of the project together.. of whatever we have.
June 3
Start publishing to computer
June 5
complete all finishing touches and hand it in!
Posted by
11:00 PM
Labels: am40sw09, Chelsea, Developing Expert Voices, Time Line
Developing Expert Voices
Question #1: (March 27; Statistics)
The table shows the lengths in millimetres of 52 arrowheads.
(Didn't type out the numbers, but will create a similar question to this one.)
(a) Calculate the mean length and the standard deviation.
(b) Determine the lengths of arrowheads one standard deviation below and one standard deviation above the mean.
(c) How many arrowheads are within one standard deviation of the mean?
(d) What percent of the arrowheads are within one standard deviation of the mean length?
Question #2: (March 17; Probability)
The probability that Gallant Fox will win the first race is 2/5 and that Nashau will win the second race is 1/3.
1. What is the probability that both horses will win their respective races?
2. Wha tis the probability that both horses will lose their respective races?
3. What is the probability that at least one horse will win a race?
Time line
May 20 - Consult with the group and decide which units were going to do our projects on.
May 22 - Make sure that everyone has slowly progressed on their projects and help each other out on what their missing.
May 25 - Another group meeting, making sure everyone has got something done.
May 30 - Start putting bits an pieces of our project together.
June 3 - Complete Project
June 4 -6 - Put the finishing touches on the project
June 7 - Hand in completed assignment
Posted by
10:28 PM
Labels: Developing Expert Voices, Kyle, Time Line
Developing Expert voices
March 16, 2009
Rupert has either milk or cocoa to drink for breakfast with either oatmeal or pancakes. if he drinks milk, then the probability that he is having pancakes with the milk is 2/3. the probability that he drinks cocoa is 1/5. the probability that he drinks cocoa is 1/5. if he drinks cocoa, then probability of him having pancakes is 6/7.
a) show the sample space of probabilities using a tree diagram or an other method of your choice.
b) find the probability that Rupert will have oatmeal with cocoa tomorrow morning.
May 14, 2009
Lucy Brown wants to buy a condo, but does not know how much money she should spend based on her income. She earns $44 000 per year, and has saved $9000 for a down payment. the propery taxes for the condo she likes are $1500 per year, and the heatig costs average $90 per month. the condo/strata fees are $18 per month, the bank will give her a 250 year mortgage at an interest rate of 7.5%. what is the maximum price she can afford for a condo, based on spending no more than 32% of her gross income on household and accommodation expenses?
May 20 - Consult with the group and decide which units were going to do our projects on.
May 22 - Make sure that everyone has slowly progessed on their projects and help eachother out on what their missing.
May 25 - Another group meeting, making sure everyone has got something done.
May 30 - Start putting bits an peices of our project together.
June 3 - Complete Project
June 4 -6 - Put the finishing touches on the project
June 7 - Hand in completed assignment
Posted by
9:37 PM
Labels: Developing Expert Voices, Don, Time Line
Developing Expert Voices
Questions :
March 5 : Probability
(1) The cafeteria special for lunch offers a choice between two main courses (hamburgers or chicken burgers) and three different drinks. The "meal deal" allow you to pick one of each. How many different "meal deals" are they offering?
What if they offer to throw in a choice of fries, spicy fries of plain chips; how many "meal deals are they offering now?
May 12 : Personal Financing
(2) A group of rural students is planning to go to university. One of the members of the group suggests that they purchase an older home rather that rent an apartment. After a careful analysis of their finances, the group decides that their gross monthly income would be $3000.00. Monthly property taxes are estimated to be$125.00. Heating bills are estimated to be $150.00. The group can arrange a mortgage at a rate of 9%. The three members of the group are able to come up with a down payment of $8000.00 Determine he maximum affordable purchase price that can be considered if they take out a 25 year mortgage.
March 12 : Probability
(1) Suppose that, when you go home from school, you like to take as great a variety of routes as possible, and that you are equally likely to take any possible route. You will walk only east or south.
(a) How many ways can you go from the school to home?
(b) What is the probability that you will walk past the post office on your way home?
Time line
May 22 - complete all rough draft questions and ideas.
May 25 - consult with group / partner with the idea and questions
May 29 - rough copy Online.
June 3 - complete the project.
June 4 - 5 add little touch ups to project and hand in published project.
Posted by
7:26 PM
Labels: Alvina, Developing Expert Voices, Time Line
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Developing expert voices
Today 05/17/09: Publish this post
05/21/09: Create Problems from above Models
05/22-29/09: Complete Problems, ask for help from Mr. K. if needed
05/30/09: start to publish assignment
05/30/09-06/07/09: Hand in published assignment
Posted by
3:42 PM
Labels: Developing Expert Voices, Eugene, Time Line
Friday, May 15, 2009
Dev. Project
March 12, 2009 Probability
Suppose that, when you go home from school you like to take as great a varitey of routes as possible, and that you are equally likely to take any possible route. You will walk only east or south.
How many ways can you go from the school to home?
What is the probability that you will walk past the post office on your way home?
May 4, 2009
A ship needs to travel in the direction of 40'. The ship has a speed of 20 knots in still water. A current of six knots at 340' is pushing the ship. Determine the direction the ship is headed and the magnitude of the ship's resultant velocity.
Time Line:
May 25th: Rough Copy for Questions
May 29th: Rough Copy for Online Portion of Project
June 5th: Complete Project
June 7th: Hand in Project
Posted by
8:12 PM
Labels: Developing Expert Voices, Kayla, Time Line
Developing Expert Voices: Respect Copyright & Resources For You
We talked more about your upcoming Developing Expert Voices projects today. First some resources you can use to put together your online presenations:
The 50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story Wiki
Remember? The story about the dog Dominoe told in over 50 very cool ways. The video was good (here it is as a slidecast below) but I think everyone was really impressed with the Prezi version.
We also talked a little about presentation design:
As you collect various digital artifacts to string together your project keep in mind you must respect copyright; you can't use ("steal") other people's work without permission. Here are two videos that illustrate some of these ideas. Below them you'll find links to sites where you can find Creative Commons copyrighted music and pictures.
A Fair(y) Use Tale
Creative Commons: Wanna Work Together?
Find Creative Commons music at Jamendo.
Find Creative Commons licensed pictures using the flickr creative commons search tool.
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
12:29 PM
Labels: Copyright, Developing Expert Voices, Mr. Kuropatwa
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Today's Slides: May 14
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
3:20 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Personal Finance, Slides
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
IT'S a LATE scribe POST
Hi, Today in class the first thing we did was hand in the answers to our homework.Then Mr. K. went over the answer after we handed it in. After that we talked about the advantages of leasing and buying a vehicle.
- Lower initial Payments
- Get to drive most recent vehicles (new)
- Can not modify the Vehicle
- You own the vehicle it is yours
- You have an unlimited amount if kilometers
- You can modify your vehicle
Shortly after we talked about buying and renting a house. Renting is basic it is monthly payments( + hydro, water etc. if not included in rent). But you will never own the house if you rent it.
Buying a house is quite different. You must have a minimum down payment of 5% of the value of the house.
EX: A house is valued at $100,000 your minimum down payment will be $5,000
how? value(100,000)*minimum down payment of 5%(.05)
Then you have to get a mortgage. A mortgage is like a loan from the bank that you have to obviously payback but with interest.
EX: The mortgage will cost you $106,400
how? balance($95,000)+ total interest($11,400)
The Mortgage balance is what is left over from the total value of the house after the down payment is made.
Also Mentioned In Class
The GDSR-Gross Debt Service Ratio is how to find out he maximum amount of your income you can afford on a house (32%).This can be expressed as a formula:
GDSR=Mo. Mort. pmt.+Mo. Prop. tax+Mo. heating cost+ 1/2 of condo or strata fees
Gross Monthly Family Income
Equity-The part of the house you own.
Next Scribe is:DANIEL
Posted by
10:48 PM
Labels: Eugene, Personal Finance, Sribe Post
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