We had our graduation exercises today. A gentle push into the world for all of you. I hope you're leaving with the keys to your future in your hand.
I'm so glad we've had this time together,
Just to have a laugh or learn some math,
Seems we've just got started and before you know it,
Comes the time we have to say, "So Long!"
So long everybody!
Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu, and all those good bye things. ;-)
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- Mr. Kuropatwa (69)
- Niwatori-san (4)
- Periodic Functions (6)
- Personal Finance (16)
- Pi Day (1)
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- Probability (33)
- Reflection (17)
- Scribe Post (57)
- Sequences (7)
- Sine Function (1)
- Slides (67)
- Sribe Post (1)
- Statistics (35)
- Statistics Reflection (1)
- Time Line (13)
- Vector (1)
- Vectors (15)
Friday, June 26, 2009
So Long ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
8:59 AM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Class Survey
The exam is over and we did a little survey in class. The results are below; 17 students participated. If you'd like to add another comment on what you see here email me or leave a comment below this post.
Without any further ado, here are the results of our class's survey. Please share your thoughts by commenting (anonymously if you wish) below .....
Classroom Environment
The questions in this section were ranked using this 5 point scale:
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
The bold numbers after each item are the average ratings given by the entire class.
1. The teacher was enthusiastic about teaching the course. 4.59
2. The teacher made students feel welcome in seeking help in/outside of class. 4.35
3. My interest in math has increased because of this course. 3.35
4. Students were encouraged to ask questions and were given meaningful answers. 4.29
5. The teacher enhanced the class through the use of humour. 4.24
6. Course materials were well understood and explained clearly by the teacher. 4.18
7. Graded materials fairly represented student understanding and effort. 4.12
8. The teacher showed a genuine interest in individual students. 4.12
9. I have learned something that I consider valuable. 4.47
10. The teacher normally came to class well prepared. 4.65
Overall Impression of the Course
The questions in this section were ranked using this 5 point scale:
Very Poor | Poor | Average | Good | Very Good |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1. Compared with other high school courses I have taken, I would say this course was: 4.06
2. Compared with other high school teachers I have had, I would say this teacher is: 4.12
3. As an overall rating, I would say this teacher is: 4.35
Course Characteristics
1. Course difficulty, compared to other high school courses:
Very Easy 0% | Easy 5.9% | Average 35.9% | Difficult 52.9% | Very Difficult 5.9% |
2. Course workload, compared to other high school courses:
Very Easy 0% | Easy 17.6% | Average 58.8% | Difficult 11.8% | Very Difficult 11.8% |
3. Hours per week required outside of class:
0 to 2 29.4% | 2 to 3 35.3% | 3 to 5 17.6% | 5 to 7 17.6% | over 7 0% |
4. Expected grade in the course:
F 0% | D 11.8% | C 52.9% | B 29.4% | A 5.9% |
Specific Feedback
[Ed. Note: Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of students that gave the same answer.]
What was your best learning experience in this course?
Learning many things on my calculator Developing Expert Voices Project Group Work (5) Class Discussions Sharing Ideas Made learning easier and fun Solo in-class work SMARTboard Technology Pre-Tests I could listen better Personal Finance Unit (3) Probability Unit (2) Helping each other Being able to sit not taking notes because they would be online Able to learn from students as well as teacher as if it were feedback on my mistakes Being encouraged to contribute to the learning environment |
What was your worst learning experience in this course?
Blogging (3) None (2) Blog was sometimes unsteady because notes needed to be written when scribe didn't post Not having Mr. K. in class Probability Unit (2) When I didn't get anything Vectors Unit (4) Statistics Unit (2) Sequences Unit Periodic Functions Unit (2) When one student wasted time arguing Using technology in assignments Being expected to work hard, few teachers care — I appreciated this "negative" experience |
What changes would you suggest to improve the way this course is taught?
Have more students at front showing work to get more ideas and feedback from peers I think this course was taught great and really enjoyed the online work A little more explanation in every topic Less online homework I suppose maybe look at how you can help individuals do better. Most do better in groups or by talking. I can't learn like that so this class sucked for me. Nothing really, I thought this course was great and fun; thanks for teaching us. Any suggestions I have would only make the course pander to laziness. Watch if the scribe was done on time. State that reflection posts and delcious links are both done, not one or the other, more clearly. Try to teach slower, sometimes you go through lessons way too fast for me to understand. This has been the only math class I've done well and felt confident in both at the same time. Thanks Mr. K! |
It's interesting to compare the items that were considered both the worst and best learning experiences. Also, take a look at the list of worst learning experiences compared to suggestions for next year. Help me do a better job next year by commenting on what you see here ....
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
1:31 PM
Labels: Class Survey, Mr. Kuropatwa
Friday, June 5, 2009
Today's Slides: June 5
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
3:30 PM
Labels: Design and Measurement, Mr. Kuropatwa, Slides
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My D.E.V. Project
The first option will give him more by $882.86 (16269.09883-15386.23955)
The numbers in "N", "I%" and "PV" come directly from the information in the question.
"P/Y and C/Y" are 1 because the money is compounded yearly and not semi annually or quarterly. Semi annually is compounded twice a year. Quarterly is compounded four times a year.
George's final amount will be $19300.50 in scenario one.
George's final amount will be $20407.96 in scenario two.
Question #2
When you walk home from the big bridge there is a pizza place and a chicken place. Calculate the total amount of ways home. The P(passing the pizza place), P(passing pizza and chicken place).
There are 336 ways home
The P(passing pizza place) is 38.7%(130/336)
The P(passing pizza & chicken place) is 32.7% (110/336)
Click here to see WHY? & HOW?
Posted by
5:53 PM
Labels: Developing Expert Voices, Eugene
Today's Slides: June 4
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
1:27 PM
Labels: Design and Measurement, Mr. Kuropatwa, Slides
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Niwatori-san's Corner (Sequences)
Anyong-hi jumuseyo
!!!!For Ya Imfomation. . . . . . !!!!!!
Blue anecdotes sorta inportant
Red anecdotes Stuff to check/IMPORTANT STUFF take it however you will
Green is for formulas/any calculator stuff!
Remember that your projects are due the midnight of Sunday. So make sure to get it in quite
Well Getting back to the topic of Sequences the main topic tonite is FRACTALS!
You remember the "Trippy" show of the fractal of the island
(ok i don't remember the name of the island
off my head) yes well like in class how it was discussed that the fractal can be
divided into similar shapes
by dividing the whole shape into subsequent pieces equal to one another.
**** When looking at a fractal such things can follow through your head like:
* Will this fractal diverge/converge? (grow/come to one point)
* What's the area of the shaded areas? (If asked this question)
* What's the implicit and recursive definitions of this fractal
(the "exponential equation" and the
"general definition" through means of finding a common ratio between the
2nd and the 1st numbers in a geometric sequence)
And so forth.... (im sure there are more but for now this is all i can
manage to pull out of my hat
sorry I couldn't pull a bunny rabbit but better luck next time =p)
All is done through a number of series of "careful" observation and analysis of
the fractal finding the pattern to the piece. Or more rather the point of it all.
Well right now you can see that the slides haven't been posted yet so
don't be blaming Mr.Kuros if it didn't sink in to your minds to what
was done in class. And sorry if I sounded rude but it's how blunt i need
to be for the understanding of the course.
All in all my good mates around the world watching us and to my fellow
bloggettes/student peers "Math is the Science of Patterns" - Mr . Kuros
Follow looking for similar paths along your way in life and in the progression
of your studies/classes. The more patterns you have the more easier it is for
you to solve the mysteries of your own "CASE"
And Im yet again sorry folks but I totally forgot to inform about the solving
of the "Shaded Areas" I was sorta stuck between the path to finding
the shaded area and it's a little sketchy about the details but Im sure Ill
get it right away and clear this passage just for your info *pinky promise*
Anywho this ends the night until another day and another time.
Niwatori-san signing off -__-
*throws pokeball misses and then walks away* (utter defeat)
quote from Niwatori-san -
"The sun is the open pinnacle to enlightenment by revealing the shadows
of your talents"
Posted by
9:56 PM
Today's Slides: June 3
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
8:20 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Sequences, Slides
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What is a fractal? Generally "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,"
An example of a fractal can be like this…
The blue would be your first box. Then you would make the purple ones which are a reduced size of the first. Then you'd make the green boxes which would be a reduced size of the purple. This can almost go on for infinity, however the size will eventually get to small to be significant or too small to see. We would eventually have to stop because of that factor.
The next scribe is Carmel

Posted by
8:14 PM
Labels: Amanda, Scribe Post, Sequences
Today's Slides: June 2
Here they are ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
4:03 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Sequences, Slides
Monday, June 1, 2009
Today's Slides: June 1
Here you go ...
Posted by
Darren Kuropatwa
4:36 PM
Labels: Mr. Kuropatwa, Sequences, Slides
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