Fibonacci Sequence is:

In Hockey Stick :

in the green marked :
1 + 7 + 28 + 84 + 210 + 462 + 924 + = 1716
in the red marked :
1 + 6 + 21 + 56 = 84
and in blue marked :
1 + 12 = 13
About in Sum of the Rows :
- the sum of the numbers in any row is equal to 2 to the nth power, when n is the number of the row. For Example :
2ยบ = 1
2¹ = 1 + 1 = 2
2² = 1 + 2 + 1 = 4
2³ = 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 8
In addition to what we've discuss, Mr K. told us to create an account in
First :
1.) go to
2.) Join! or Sign Up to create an account
3.) after you fill up the information needed to make an account, the home page will pooped-up.
4.) click your name in the upper right side. Ex: James
5.) click How to get Started
6.) click also Install Firefox Adds-on if you don't have.
and that's all foks, I hope you will correct me if I have mistakes and missing information.
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